
Inevitably, some cautions must be given when writing about anything remotely health-related. All of this is common sense, but it deserves to be written down formally.

I am not a doctor or a medical professional, so what I write on this site should not be construed or treated as medical advice, or used for, or relied upon, for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. I am simply a concerned mother of atopic children who made changes in our lives and saw positive results. I am sharing our story for educational and informational purposes.

Please consult your own doctors for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical conditions, and partner with them. I have found a number of our doctors helpful and encouraging in our journey, and all have always been invested in our well-being, even in cases where they didn’t agree 100% with my convictions on causation and reasons for improvement.

By reading and accessing this site, you agree to the conditions stated above. If you do not agree to these conditions, please do not access the site or read the content.